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Monday, November 12, 2012

Do Investors Act in Their Own Best Interest?

Reported by Tommy Fernandez

"Investors Not Acting in Their Own Best Interest", according to a study released by State Street Global Advisors (SSgA) [profile].

The study, conducted by State Street’s Center for Applied Research, shows how investor behavior reshapes investment management.

According to the study, most retail investors believe preparing for retirement requires aggressive investing, yet 31 percent of their assets are in cash.

Moreover, institutional investors reportedly struggle with complexity associated with alternative investing, yet their appetite for these strategies shows no signs of abating.

The study calls for a new definition of performance to deliver sustainable returns; one size no longer fits all.

Company Press Release

Investors Not Acting in Their Own Best Interest

Study from State Street’s Center for Applied Research Highlights How Investor Behavior is Reshaping Investment Management

  • Most retail investors believe preparing for retirement requires aggressive investing, yet 31 percent of their assets are in cash
  • Institutional investors struggle with complexity associated with alternative investing, yet their appetite for these strategies shows no signs of abating
  • Study calls for a new definition of performance to deliver sustainable returns; one size no longer fits all

    BOSTON – November 12, 2012 — In an investment environment of heightened uncertainty, retail and institutional investors are exhibiting behavior that appears to be at odds with their investment goals, according to the inaugural global investor study by the State Street Center for Applied Research, entitled: The Influential Investor: How Investor Behavior is Redefining Performance.

    The study, conducted by the Center for Applied Research, an independent think tank residing at State Street Corporation (NYSE: STT), was based on 12 months of research and input from more than 3,300 investment management industry participants. Among the study’s primary findings is that, investors aren’t acting in their best interests as they are becoming more aware of economic instability and misaligned interests amongst investment providers, government and markets. As a result, their investment decisions don’t always align with their stated goals and there is ample aggregate evidence of this behavior. For example:

    Institutional investors are faced with challenges in navigating the complexity of certain asset classes. Low-yield markets have increased institutional investors’ appetite for alternative strategies. Yet, the majority admits their greatest challenge is not having a deep enough understanding of these assets.

    Retail investors’ conservative strategies are cracking their retirement nest eggs. When retail investors were asked what steps needed to be taken over the next ten years to retire, the majority said to invest more aggressively, yet cash is their number one allocation now and is expected to remain number one over the next decade.

    Commenting on the drivers of behavior and goals of both investor groups, Kelly McKenna, global head of the State Street Center for Applied Research said: “While investors have never been as aware of their micro and macro environments, they are exhibiting behaviors that are divorced from their stated investment objectives.”

    Against this backdrop of investor disconnect between behavior and goals, the study found that investors identified performance as the most important metric for determining the value of their investment providers as well as the greatest weakness of their investment providers.

    Accordingly, the study revealed that when it comes to performance, one size no longer fits all. “Current monolithic benchmarks based on relative performance to peer groups or indices serve the provider,” said Suzanne Duncan, global head of research for the Center for Applied Research. “The investor’s view of value is now more complex and reflects his/her own personal blend of strategies and objectives. In today’s investment reality, the investor is the benchmark when it comes to defining performance.”

    Based on these findings, the Center for Applied Research advocates for fully transparent performance models that focus on long-term sustainability of returns, defined in terms of value to the investor. Over time, this new model for success will help to reduce barriers to healthy decision-making and will lead to improved performance.

    The study also found that investors’ seemingly irrational behavior is actually a rational response to a number of factors impacting the current global investment environment:

    Major economic trends, including a steady increase of national debt worldwide, tighter correlations across global markets, and a rise in systemic risk;

    Mistrust of their primary investment provider to act in their best interest, stemming in part from lack of value delivered versus fees charged. Only one-third of investors believe their primary investment provider is acting in their best interest; and

    Impediments from politics as well as new financial regulation that most investors believe will be ineffective and expensive. Sixty-four percent of investors believe that regulation won’t help address current problems and sixty-two percent believe the cost will be passed on to them.

    The Center for Applied Research proposes a four-component performance model in which key value drivers become the building blocks for “personal” performance. Two components - alpha seeking/beta generation and downside protection - are related to market forces and are common to most investors. The other two components – liability management and income management – are risk exposures unique to each investor.

    McKenna concluded, “While the future of the industry will be determined by the actions investors take, the investment community has clear opportunities to work together to create better solutions for this new economy.”

    About The Study

    The Influential Investor: How Investor Behavior is Redefining Performance is based on input from more than 3,300 investment management industry participants across 68 countries. The State Street Center for Applied Research obtained this input through surveys of 2,725 investors, and 403 investment providers and government officials. Surveys were conducted through an online platform in collaboration with the Economist Intelligence Unit, Scorpio Partnership and TNS Finance Amsterdam. In addition, the Center for Applied Research conducted face-to-face interviews with 200 executives and government officials from around the world to gain qualitative insights for our research. The study is available at http://statestreet.com/centerforappliedresearch.

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