The federal government's sequester crisis may yet lead to untold numbers of hardships for American citizens and businesses alike. Yet it has led to at least one boon to fundsters at the ICI Mutual Funds and Investment Management Conference currently being held this week in Palm Springs, California.
The enforced budget cuts undermined the travel plans of two SEC officials who were originally slated to participate in two ICI panel discussions this morning-- forcing SEC Investment Management division chief
Norm Champ to take their place.
The officials who were stuck in D.C. as a result of the budget cuts were IM associate director and chief counsel
Doug Scheidt and deputy director
David Grimm.
Scheidt was to participate in a breakout session titled
It's a small world after all: How non-U.S. regulators affect your business. This panel discussion was moderated by ICI senior counsel for international affairs
Susan Olson and included:
Peter Bonanno, managing director and general counsel at
Allianz Global Investors U.S. Holdings;
Stuart Fross, a partner at
K&L Gates; and
Craig Tyle, executive vice president and general counsel at
Franklin Templeton.
Grimm, meanwhile, was scheduled to sit in on the panel titled
Closer to Home: U.S. Regulatory Developments Affecting Funds. This panel was moderated by ICI general counsel
Karrie McMillan, and included:
Stuart Coleman, a partner at
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan;
Heidi Hardin, senior vice president and general counsel at
Janus Capital Management; and
Robert Zakem, chief compliance officer and general counsel at
RidgeWorth Capital Management.
Instead, fundsters were treated to over three hours of insights from the SEC IM chief, who outlined a number of details from his ongoing initiative dubbed "IM Moving Forward." 
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