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Rating:iShares Launching Equity ETF Focused on Columbia Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Thursday, June 20, 2013

iShares Launching Equity ETF Focused on Columbia

News summary by MFWire's editors

Today iShares [profile] is launching an equity ETF focused on Columbian companies, IndexUniverse reports. That would make the ETF the third and cheapest U.S. ETF targeting Columbia.

The ETF, iShares MSCI Columbia Capped ETF, will invest in 25 local companies. The annual expense ratio is 0.61 percent, or 61 bps, the lowest out of all three ETFs. Market Vectors [profile] Columbia ETF cost 0.75 percent pr 75 bps, and the Global X [profile] FTSE Columbia 20 costs 0.79 percent or 79 bps.

iShares is focusing on more diversification by imposing a 25 percent cap on single company exposure. Companies with a weight of more than 5 percent can't total more than 50 percent of the total in the aggregate. 

Edited by: Casey Quinlan

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