Institutional Capital LLCno longer serves as a subadvisor to the MainStay ICAP Equity Fund, the MainStay ICAP Select Equity Fund, the MainStay ICAP International Fund and the MainStay MAP Fund. Additionally, Thomas Cole, Andrew Starr and Matthew Swanson no longer serve as PMs to the funds. On March 13, the MainStay ICAP International Fund will undergo a name change and become the MainStay Epoch International Choice Fund. Also on March 13, the MainStay MAP Fund will update its subadvisory fee schedule.
On March 10, the FDP BlackRockFranklin Templeton Total Return Fund will undergo a name change and become the FDP BlackRock CoreAlpha Bond Fund. Franklin Advisers, Inc will no longer serve as a subadvisor to the new fund. The new fund will also update its investment strategies, portfolio managers and investment management fee.
As of December 31, 2016, Albert Dowden and Suzanne Woolseyretired as trustees of the Invesco Senior Loan Fund.
As of January 1, Robert Chersi and Vernon Sedlacek have been elected to the board of directors of the Thrivent Series Fund, Incand the Thrivent Mutual Funds. As of December 31, Richard Gady and Douglas Sims retired from the board.
Check our last Filings For Fundsters column (previously called Stork and Reaper) for more SEC filing updates. For the latest new hires and fund launches, explore our Follow The Fundsters, The Next Gig, and New Fund Fuss columns. If you have a fund filing, a mutual fund launch, a product change or a new hire that you would like to announce, please contact the MFWire team at