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Tuesday, March 26, 2019

After Tweaks and a Retirement, a Distro Chief Focuses On Execution

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

After a year of changes and a key retirement, and two years after he joined the firm, Carter Sims sees his Thornburg Investment Management [profile] distribution team "in a good spot" this year.

William McCarter Sims
Thornburg Investment Management
Head of Global Distribution
"The industry's going through a lot of change. We're as a company pretty right-sized to take advantage of that," Sims tells MFWire. "We've done some tweaking. In 2019, it's about executing now that the team is in place."

That execution focus comes some key hires and promotions over the past year, as well as a high level departure. Rob McInerney, Sims' national sales manager and president of Thornburg Securities Corp, retired from the Santa Fe, New Mexico-based asset manager on December 31, Sims confirms.

McInerney did not immediately return a call for comment.

"We took his role and split it into two additional divisional sales manager roles," Sims says.

Sims promoted Denver-based regional consultant Jesse Brownell to divisional sales manager for the western part of the U.S., and Sims promoted Dallas/Fort Worth-based regional consultant Andrew Rice to divisonal sales manager for the eastern part of the U.S. Brownell and Rice now lead Thornburg's intermediary channel team of 17 external wholesalers, who cover FAs with wirehouses, independent B-Ds, and regional B-Ds.

Those promotions come after three other key hirings last summer. Joe Feloney joined as head of strategic relationships, leading a team of six. Bill Loehning joined as head of the newly created institutional advisor channel, leading a team of four. And David Rentfrow joined in a newly expanded role as head of internal sales and of digital and client strategies.

Looking forward, Sims does not expect to make more big changes to his team this year.

"We're happy to be where we are," Sims says. "We think we're in a good spot."

McInerney first joined Thornburg in 1999 as a regional consultant and rose to national sales manager in 2012. Prior to that he worked with Lexington Management. He is an alumnus of SUNY Oswego.

Brownell, an alumnus of the University of Iowa, joined Thornburg in 2016. Prior to that he worked with Highland and the Hartford. He also played for the Colorado Rockies.

Rice joined Thornburg in 2005. He is an alumnus of Texas A&M.

37-year-old Thornburg now has $44 billion in AUM. 

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