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Rating:DWS Versus Ghost Nets Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Thursday, December 24, 2020

DWS Versus Ghost Nets

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

A publicly traded, multinational asset manager is helping take on a specific type of ocean pollution: ghost nets.

The folks at DWS [profile] made a "generous donation" (the specific size has not been disclosed) to a non-profit, Healthy Seas, so that they could buy a boat, the Mako. The boat will be operated by volunteers at Ghost Diving, divers who specialize in removing lost fishing gear and other marine debris.

DWS has been supporting the fight against "ghost fishing" over the past year, and now having their own boat will help the Healthy Seas and the volunteer divers step up their efforts. According to DWS, ghost nets account for half of all plastic waste in the North Pacific and take between 600 and 800 years to decompose. 

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