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Tuesday, November 30, 2021

A Fundster Trade Group Accelerates Into Training

Reported by Andrew Lusk

A new professional development program from a northeastern trade association will go live early next year, and the team behind it is currently spreading the word about the first course.

Earlier this week, MFWire spoke with Jim Fitzpatrick, president and CEO of Boston, Massachusetts-based Nicsa, which is in the process of launching their Nicsa Accelerator curriculum. The pilot course, Inclusive Leadership for High Performance, will be the first in a series of which the final number of entries remains unknown. This course, conducted virtually over Zoom, begins on January 11 and will last through April 5.

Fitzpatrick tells MFWire, "It's been my view for a few years that a place where Nicsa can add a tremendous amount of value for our member firms in the industry is in training and certification capability. [Ours] will augment the training and professional development programs that our member firms already have internally."

He notes, "It's a great opportunity for Nicsa and a great opportunity to add value for our firms."

This first program, Fitzpatrick says, is aimed at management professionals and individual contributors looking to grow and expand their leadership skills and influence within their organizations. "It's [for] a wide range of people ... probably not C-suiters, but it would be great if some of those folks were inclined to participate."

Early entrants and mid-tier professionals looking to dive deeper into the technical aspects of the industry are a segment of the target audience Fitzpatrick describes as the "sweet spot."

Down the line, the Nicsa team is looking to assemble an advisory council of industry professional development and training experts. "I'm hopeful that over the course of several years, we'll build a comprehensive curriculum program that our members will be able to take advantage of."

Fitzpatrick concludes, "The programs are open to non-members as well, and if anybody is interested in participating or learning more about it, feel free to reach out to me directly."

For those interested, please email: jfitzpatrick@nicsa.org.

Nicsa was founded in 1962. Fitzpatrick has led the organization since 2015. 

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