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Rating:15 Years of Helping Fundsters Improve Distro Effectiveness Not Rated 5.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Thursday, August 3, 2023

15 Years of Helping Fundsters Improve Distro Effectiveness

Reported by Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

The team at a distribution consulting ally to fundsters is celebrating their crystal anniversary.

Thomas "Neil" Bathon
Fuse Research Network
Founder, Partner
This month is the 15th anniversary of Fuse Research Network. The Boston-based firm has 18 staff, plus two open positions, which is an all-time high, confirms Fuse partner Neil Bathon.

Bathon, who previously founded FRC, launched Fuse on August 1, 2008 as part of PMR Associates. Fuse's debut, he notes, was "just in time for all hope of signing on clients to evaporate" (thanks to the 2008 financial crisis.) The Fuse team landed their first client in January 2010, he adds, and now they support a host of asset managers.

"We have 50 clients that we serve on an annual retainer basis and probably another 20 or so that buy something from FUSE on a one-off basis," Bathon tells MFWire via email.

In a LinkedIn post, Bathon offers thanks to Fuse's clients "for their support through a remarkable period of change not only in the financial markets but also in product structures, the role of marketing, and salesforce tactics." He also thanks Fuse's network members who help the team "address a broad array of client requests."

"Our goal remains the same as it did when we launched FUSE in 2008 — to deliver personalized decision support that improves distribution effectiveness," Bathon writes. "While the FUSE team has evolved over the years, our commitment to premier client service has not waivered due to a core group of talented professionals."

Bathon tells MFWire that the Fuse team will do a celebratory staff lunch outing tomorrow and that they have new Fuse shirts with "2008-2023" on them. Looking ahead two months, Bathon promises to "do a 15-year retrospective" at the 8th annual Fuse Forum, which will be held at the Harvard Club of Boston on October 5.

"FUSE will continue to innovate (and disrupt) the world of business intelligence as we now set our sights on our 20th anniversary," Bathon writes. 

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